I talked to a girl on the internet, then I talked to three
Multiple conversations deliciously driving me
It didn’t matter if I met them, the chase is all I need
Hooking them, controlling them, the routine on which I feed
My behaviour took me over, consumed my every thought
A co-dependant cesspit, one I wasn’t taught
I fed them and they fed me, toxic through and through
No tear shed as I let them down, moving on to someone new
Non chemical addictions so painful to withdraw
A subject rarely talked about, a fast revolving door
I skipped my meals, I lost sleep, I was even late for work
Life controlling behaviours round every corner lurk
I see it all around, in friendship groups and churches
Hidden behind smiles, the pain and heartache lurches
It’s a sin, you must stop I hear the preacher say
The judging words of others not offering a way
To stop the behaviour, address the pain
Honesty a must
Not just from me, from all, a way of building trust
I also see it paraded, accepted, even boasted
Co-dependant lifestyles, honoured even toasted
On the tele, in the press lifestyles feeding pain
Every colour of the rainbow driving me insane
A new honesty is needed to address this lifestyle curse
Non chemical addictions only getting worse
Honesty from all, it’s not about them and us
Passenger’s together, riding the same bus
Life controlling behaviours affect us all, to this or that extent
It’s time for us to change, something Heaven sent
It’s time to live again
John Lowton
October ’22’