Latest paintings
All the paintings below can be bought and mailed out if anyone is interested. Please get in touch with me about the price and about a way to pay.
- Release
- Reflection
- Abundance
- In the Beginning
- Lava of Life
- Cascade
- Colour Calendar
- Order from Chaos
- Colours behind Bars
- Epicentre
- Forever burning
- Convergence
- Earth, Fire and Heaven
- Gifts
- Sounds of the Earth
- Seasonal Colour Streams
- Hidden riches
- Hidden and Revealed
- Wild
- Running Down
- Warm thoughts
- Treasure on the margins
- Windows of life
- Colours of Life
- Tiles
- Wheels within Wheels
- Under the Sea
- Enlightening Truths
- Nasturtium flowers
- Hanging Basket
- Moorland Heather
- Desert Oasis
- Wild Roses
- A New Heaven and a New Earth
- In the distance (What can you see)
- Heavenly Hosts