
A Place

There is a place, 3 countries converged,
A sacred place where everything merged.
Not just a co-ordinate seen from space,
But a point in time a holy place.
You must sail the seas to that mystical land,
A journey of faith holding Fathers hand.
Conquering fear and travelling long,
The lessons of life an enchanting song.
To the north the Arctic, can you hear the sound
Hidden treasures to be found
To the west a country with a beating heart
The presence of God sets it apart 
And to the east outrageous fun
Every colour of life under the sun
A colourful heartbeat, risk and heat
The point in time where the countries meet.

It time to live again


The spring never runs dry, all year round bursting out from under the rock face, fresh and pure. On the hottest of days it retains its iciness, a sharp rude reminder to my bodily senses to wake up, now is not the time for sleeping. The childlike gurgling never stops, a backdrop to the constantly changing flow as it splashes over the rocks. The water glints, sparkling mesmerizingly, the springs energy bringing a clarity, bubbling with optimism and fun. If you look you can see diamond shapes glinting in the water and rainbow colours, a prism under the summer sun. Can you smell the freshness, an innocence, nothing decaying? I acknowledge again the spring in me, forever rising up, my very heartbeat. Conflicting with the world around and the “it’s time to slow down” messages bombarding my soul, the spring eternally flows with a constant pace and rhythm.

Life, life, life. 

It's time to live again

John Lowton
November 2023


From being known, a confidence grows
From being lost, a new horizon 
From always surviving to being a ‘winner’
From mediocre dullness rises life and colour
From the depths of despair the morning sunrise
From a mind tormented, resolution
From embracing pain, precious gems
From guilt and shame, light and forgiveness 


It’s time to live again.
John Lowton
November 2023