Daily reflection/heartbeat

My friend Barbara

Your the sweetest girl right from the beginning always caring
Right from her heart
One drop then two drops
And then lots and lots
Leaving her fragrance everywhere she goes .
Little girls play and sometimes fall
Picking themselves up shaking. It off
So caring. .Caring she was .fixing. mending and. Patching. Up wounds.
All the way. Trough. Skipping and hopping and laughing. Too.
That was Barbara all through her life .
Leaving a mark on those that she Met
Flying and fluttering is where you. Are.
I am so. Grateful. For being your friend .
We l say. Goodbye. Just for now. ..

My. Friend. BARBARA

Author: Julie burns

Daily reflection/heartbeat

Amazing skies in 1 day

Promise Journey Fufillment
Daily reflection/heartbeat

A bunch of white roses

Today I gave my wife a bunch of white roses since we are celebrating our wedding anniversary. Why white? Because white is a symbol of purity. Pure love!!!!!

Author: Doods O

Daily reflection/heartbeat

We just need each other.

Today as i was taking my breakfast, i bite my tongue. It was so painful. In the process i started to think about the pain, and tow things came to my mind- 1. I did not stop eating my breakfast 2. Yes, the pain was so much intense, but the teeth and my tongue still continued co- existing together in my mouth. How many times people, friends and even our family members hurt our feelings and we stop talking and having fellowship with them?. I just realised that no mater the pain , we should still reach out and seek harmony and peace with people. For we just need each other. “If my tongue were trained to measures, I would sing a strirring song” Paul Tillichm
Author: Francis

Daily reflection/heartbeat

Thankful for my daughter

Today , I celebrated my lovely daughter’s birthday. She has just turned 16. It was a time to be thankful to God . We reflected back and it was a reminder of a journey of faith.

Daily reflection/heartbeat

Looking for Curtains

We have been looking for curtains for my daughters bedroom, but really have been finding the traditional outlets and supermarkets rather boring. Bradford is renown for it’s cultural diversity so we decided to try a fabric shop in the Asian part of town. Wow, the kids were amazed, such colourful fabrics. I was reminded again that though many say poor Bradford you are indeed so rich! “ I know your affliction and suffering, you say you are poor, yet you are rich” Revelation 2:v9

Author: John L