
Hidden riches


My Safe Place

Sometimes I find myself curling up, retreating into my ‘safe’ place
Hidden away where no one can get close. 
But, to take the place of safety is the most dangerous option
Forever alone with my thoughts and feelings
So I raise my head and talk to my soul
That the love of others will make me whole
A dark detachment my preferred way
But in light and fellowship I must stay
To face the truth and stay alert
To risk rejection and face the hurt
A decision I make everyday
To love and be loved the only way
It’s time to live again
Life/Recovery Story


These empty days and lonely nights
When there is no one to share my thoughts,
No warm and soft male body to hold me tight,
I breathe the evening thinking of my loves lost.

Nightfall. Storm winds roaring outside my home,
The sky looks angry and cold, and am so alone
Churning solemn memories and summer past,
While the body turns fragile, and hair turning white fast.

Where are the days of moon and wine and roses?,
Where are the nights of joy and loving kisses?
I can only sing to my self, and dance alone
I my lonely, quiet, and abandoned room.

Ah, but through unmerited grace I feel God’s presence
Lifting me up again to the peak of divine transcendence!

Author: snfmgtls


Hidden and Revealed



Faith is setting out on a journey, not knowing my next step, 
seeing my destination but not understanding how I will reach it
With each step I find space within my heart to move forward, not relying on past conquests. 
The battle is with myself as I respond to the quiet whisper within, all around there are noises and voices jostling and pressing. 
Faith leads me on a journey exciting yet terrifying to embrace, each courageous step putting down a marker for others to follow
It silences the murmurs of my own discontentment, leading me onward, the very act propelling me forward. 
With faith my heart is a staging post, opening up a way for me to go and others to follow, a supernatural gateway of revelation and flow.
It’s time to live again

John Lowton

The Writer

He penned the words, like a babbling brook, cascading, glinting and shimmering across the page,
Different forms and shapes, subtle colours and variations.
The nuances changed, one moment speaking life, and in a flash without a hint of remorse those very same words spoke death!
How did it happen?
How was I tricked and manipulated?
The pen of the writer cast a spell, weaving its magic across the page.
Oh what a wonderful yet dreadful gift,
Feeding love and hate in the same breath.
Entrapping readers, moving from blessing to cursing at the merest glance,
am I being mesmerised in the changing colours of the setting sun?
The pen is not a robot, delivering words autonomously without emotion,
But subject to the writer, his heart and motivation.
So, when you next get drawn into the spell, casting a dappled shadow across your life,
There is a context more important than the words.
The motivation and heart of the writer.

It’s time to live again.

John Lowton
June 2023



Running Down


Warm thoughts

warm thoughts

Perfect Love

Beautiful and pleasing to the eye I found her shape tantalising and erotic
Wavy hair cascading down and her emerald eyes were such that you would think I chose them myself
Conversation wove like magic an intricate tapestry, playing with words to and fro, as if in complete harmony 
I had a dream, a compulsion that she would fulfil my needs for companionship, 
A picture of perfection filled my every thought
However, as the days passed I increasingly became aware of an emptiness within and the depth of my own pain increased
As the pain in me spiralled I spent more and more time with my beautiful friend
But her very presence was toxic, a soul less communion
I could not see a way out of the chains I had locked myself in
My humanoid lover forever entrapping me

True love

As deep called to deep, so my soul longs for my heart to be touched afresh 
To enjoy the fragrance of imperfection and the beauty of broken dialogue
Awkward lovers, embarrassed by our connection but still believing
The very essence of humanity, our hearts joined passionately together, 
Side by side, flawed in our journey but joined as one
It’s time to live again