

Apparently I’m a survivor, this is what they say
Bouncing back from life’s extremes to live another day
I see it in my family, the survival trait is strong
World War 1 and World War 2, a very familiar song
I’ve heard it said a thousand times by well-intentioned friends
The survivor word deep entrenched and the message that it sends
I could be content with survival, at the age of 61
But the reality of life is its only just begun
I’m not content with survival, there is more to life than that
To dress in clothes extravagantly and wear a different hat
My horizon is expanding, colours new in view
Now is the time for living, now I must be true
To give and create expressions full of morning hope
The message in my heart I no longer must elope
When I limit myself away behind the survivor tag
It’s time to rise and run under a different flag

It’s time to live again

John Lowton

October ’22’

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